Characteristics of gifted, talented and slow learners
Gifted Children have the following characteristics.
1. High general intelligence
2. Specific cases of doing things e.g. Football.
3. Ability to think deep and create ideas.
4. Ease and ability to make others follow them.
5. A good ability in Arts.
6. May have interest that differ widely from children of their age.
7. High rate of understanding.
8. Above average language development.
9. Persistence in attacking different mental task.
Slow learners.
1. Backward and performance ability
2. Below average intellect.
3. Ability to make progress if closely attended to
4. Little interest in academic work
5. Poor learning skill
6. Mostly found among poor families
7. Poor self-image, restlessness and inattentiveness
8. Short attention span.
How to identify the gifted, talented and slow learners.
1. Teachers as well as parents should engage in peer observation using the above
2. Examination of past records can lead to identification of these children
3. Wide range of test such as intelligence, creativity and achievement can be most
Ways of helping gifted learners.
1. Parents and teachers should help to fully develop their capabilities.
2. Help them develop harmonious and balance personality if not, may become
bored in class and perform at a low level which may lead to failure at school.
3. Teach them the necessary techniques to discover for themselves their own
solutions to problems.
4. Teachers should teach them to debate, to question things, to argue their
reasoning and conclusion and also use their imagination.
5. Help in their development by providing a large and varied library.
6. Teachers should allow these children to follow a different learning pace. They
should not stop their advances nor force them to work at the speed of other
Ways of helping slow learners.
i. Encourage the child to participate actively in class activities rather than just
sitting quietly and listening
ii. Teachers and parents should help the child to learn new things and help the
child find answers and solutions to questions.
iii. Expose them to theoretical plays, drama is very important sources of learning
iv. Teachers should encourage creativity instead of hindering the natural
spontaneity of the child.
v. Guidance counsellors should help for proper assessment of slow learners.
vi. Individual attention is necessary on regular basis, extra lesson helps the child to
overcome challenges
vii. Assignment should be given regularly, follow –up is necessary for regular positive
viii. Lessons should be short and frequent, use of teaching aid is necessary, it must be
interesting and colourful materials .Learners must participate.
ix. Visual aids, concrete materials helps to relate lessons to real life situations .they
make lessons meaningful to the child. Practical lessons helps weak students
rather than abstract matters.
x. Encourage them to make use of their skills, it could be soccer, race, arts or music,
praise them for such skills and make them leaders in such areas, it gives them
sense of belonging and improves confidence.
xi. Involve slow learners in group guided work, it encourages them, boast their
xii. They child should be provided with necessary materials, conducive environment
and professional teachers.
xiii. The child should not be compelled to do what is above his/her pace.
Finally, every child is unique and must be treated as an individual encourage
them to learn at their individual ability. Teachers must dedicate enough time and
help out in their school work, don’t be judgemental, ask questions, interview and
observe them to identify their unique nature. No child is “useless” make them
useful in their AREAS OF STRENGTH.
Mrs Ezuka P. O.
Vice principal.