The importance and benefits of being self-reliant through entrepreneurship can never be over-emphasized. Since entrepreneurship is the backbone of any great and developed nation today, nations like China, United States, and Japan etc.
The importance and benefits of being self-reliant through entrepreneurship can be summarized as follows:
1. You are responsible for your own success and you can determine what that success will be
2. The sky is not the limit of an entrepreneur but his stepping-stone.
3. The satisfaction of achieving a goal for your personal benefit
4. You are the “Boss” of yourself
5. You are able to control your own destiny as you have self-esteem, respect and self-confidence.
6. It encourages risk taking and learning from failure, learn to identify and recognize useful opportunities.
7. It helps in writing business plan in applying economic principles and basic marketing skills for proper idea generation in assessing feasible idea and managing risk
8. Creation of employment opportunities for others, thereby contributing positively to the growth and development of your society.
9. Total freedom to choice and enjoy the wishes of your heart.
10. There is sense of security and happiness that you will be doing what you created and you do not have limits unless you limit yourself.
11. There is a personal sense of satisfaction, accomplishment and fulfillment.
12. It is an open-ended opportunities and challenges you get out of it is what you put into it. If you put a lot in, you get a lot out.
13. Demonstration of proper skills in setting up a business and the skills of maintaining the longevity of the business.
Parents should encourage the spirit of creativity in their children, to ensure proper skills acquisition. Your child will not develop self-reliance as long as you are hovering around him like a fussy mother hen. You are going to have to learn to let go. But it is going to be a but, like walking a tightrope if you let go too early, your child may end up feeling unsecured and unprotected rather than independent on the other hand. If you let go too late, you may have already made your child get into the habit of being dependent on you or on people instead of being self-reliant.
Schools are expected to instill and inculcate not only theoretical knowledge in children but also the application (Practical experiences). Students should be developed with manipulative skills to enable them have a good spirit of self-reliant and function effectively in the larger society. All the levels of education should develop progaramme that will boost students’ creative and resourceful mind.
The government and other agencies should encourage programme that will give room for people to explore their potentials by partnering with some of the international communities who had used entrepreneurship to develop their people. Ministry of entrepreneurial should equally be created by the government.
It is no doubt that entrepreneurship is a strong acquisition programme that will help people to become a better and greater individual in the society. Self-reliant can not be achieved in an atmosphere where entrepreneurial activities are lacking. Therefore self-reliance, confident, satisfaction, sufficiency and contentment can only be properly achieved through entrepreneurship.
Balogun O.A (Mrs.)
The Head of School