How To Be A Better Version Of The Present You

January 20, 2025

To be a better version of the present you, do the following:
1.) Stop discussing your personal life with every second person. Tell them only what’s necessary, privacy is everything.

2.) Stop wasting your time on games and other activities that are not adding value to you. These; doesn’t feed you.

3.) Stop trying to please everyone. Rather, strive to please God & give importance to yourself.

4.) Stay away from negative people. Make yourself your best friend, love yourself & be happy with yourself.

5.) Stop worrying about what people say. Remember if you are no more, the world will go on perfectly fine without you.

6.) Spend more time with family rather than social media.

7.) Make your own rules and boundaries. Don’t break them & do not let anyone else break them.

8.) Always smile and don’t waste your time on those people who do not care about you.

9.) Polish your skills and don’t let society take advantage of them. Do whatever will help you to polish your skills & monetize them.

10.) The only way to improve tomorrow is to know what you did wrong today and be intentional not repeat the wrong. In other words, learn from your mistakes and those of others.

11.) Learn something new every day which helps you to improve your skills and other aspects of your life.

12.) Be disciplined. Remember, discipline is the hallmark of success.

13.) Be diligent. Prov.22.29 – Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

14.) Read books that can help resharpen your mind, which is also capable of adding knowledge to you in your areas of interest.

15.) Have a Godly mentor who will groom you and be accountable to.

16.) Be determined to make every minute of your life counts.

17.) Pursue your goals passionately.

18.) Don’t be a mediocre. Let excellence be your watchword.

19.) Honesty is one virtue that shouldn’t be missing in your life. Be honest with yourself and others.

20.) The most important of these guidelines is God. Let the Almighty God be your Father and for Him to be your Father, you have to surrender your life to Jesus and afterwards live holy & be at the center of the will of God for your life. Then, you’ll see a great transformation in your life.

Balogun O. A
The H.O.S
Daystar schools
Ipaja, Lagos.

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